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How to Learn and Love Digital Text in Four Easy Steps

Is ChatGPT unsettling you? Are you annoyed to always land on the same webportal when googling for a specific book? Do you hate it when just the one page you need to consult is nowhere to be found on the internet? This presentation is for you!

In general, textual scholars are only half convinced by the performances of digital textual resources. This Friday Frontiers webinar aims to remedy this misconception. It defines precise quality mechanisms for digital text in order to provide a better grasp on the potential it bears, arguing that the cooperation between human and machine is key to contribute to enfolding it.

You will hear how to represent, connect, open, and share digital text in such a way that it can preserve heritage, advance knowledge and save planetary resources. What is there not to love about that?

Anne Baillot is a Professor for German Studies at the University of Le Mans, France. Her research areas include German Literature, Digital Editing, Textual Studies and History of Ideas. She is a passionate advocate of Open Science and currently working towards a stronger inclusion of environmental issues in research processes, especially digital ones.

Learning Outcomes

After viewing this webinar, learners should:

  • understand the benefits to digital textual resources in modern (digital) humanities scholarship
  • recognise the environmental challenges of modern digital practices, and how to manage them
  • appreciate how to represent, connect, open, and share digital text in such a way that it can preserve heritage, advance knowledge and save planetary resources.

You can also download Anne’s slides here:

Cite as

Anne Baillot (2023). How to Learn and Love Digital Text in Four Easy Steps. Version 1.0.0. Edited by Vicky Garnett. DARIAH-Campus. [Webinar recording]. http://localhost:3000/id/YTBv0PBPFxlBuLAbq9SYi

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Full metadata

How to Learn and Love Digital Text in Four Easy Steps
Anne Baillot
Social Sciences and Humanities
Content type:
Webinar recording
CCBY 4.0
Scholarly editions, Scholarly publishing, Open access